On the plane I started thinking about emergency/evacuation cards:
"Oxygen gets you high. In a catastrophic emergency, you're taking giant panicked breaths. Suddenly you become euphoric, docile. You accept your fate. It's all right here. Emergency water landing - 600 miles an hour. Blank faces, calm as Hindu cows. " - Tyler Durden, Fight Club.
This picture is whack. With the number of passengers who look at these cards, the amount of travelling that goes on every moment of the day, you'd think they could find a decent artist to draw a few pictures of people getting high.
This kid in the blue looks like a troll. The artist couldn't even get him to look like he's sitting. Maybe the angle of my shot isn't the best . . . no, trust me, it's bad. Who was the artist for all these evacuation cards, the Chairman of the Federal Aviation Authority's retarded son?
I also got to thinking about oxygen. If it's a drug and it really makes us calm, docile, then why doesn't every household have a tank on hand? Seems better than prozac, whiskey, whatever you inhale, for those moments of extreme stress or arguments over nothing. Just take a mask and a big inhalation and everything will slow down - answers, logic, and peace will will present themselves. Right? 
I would dig some oxygen right now.
This guy is also weird looking. Anyone seen the movie, "The Mask"?
1 comment:
"Who was the artist for all these evacuation cards, the Chairman of the Federal Aviation Commission's retarded son?"
This is fucking hilarious - I cracked up at work today when I read this.. :D
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