Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Extreme Shawn

A few days after the X Games here, but first off, a word about Shawn White. We watched Skate Vert finals from the crowd of Home Depot Center, outdoors, standing in the beating sun, not in our usual VIP and/or Athlete Pass hook-up spot, damn me for losing Linda at EXPN's number. Linda? Are you out there? Give a shout because you're great and I know you want to hook a sister up again.

Saw Dr. Chang, or Chin, umm . . . yeah, Chang, when we walked into the BMX Vert finals. He was the first line of defense when I blew out my knee at Winter X 10. The doctor for the San Diego Chargers, and a real nice guy. Gave him a hug and sanuntered on by. He'd be proud to see my muscle and how I've built my leg back up nicely. Had them under long shorts, though next time I see him I just might flex a thigh. You know, for fun.

Anyway, back to Shawn White. Another stellar performance under the heat and pressure of the Skate Vert line-up. They changed the format this year so that the moment a skater falls, their time is up, and that's the score. No charging back up the transition in the pipe to start again. Some guys fell after 15 seconds, some around 30. I believe the time frame was a 1:15. It was a little dry in the beginning there, with Bob Burnquist and Bucky Lasek all chumping in the pipe, falling and cutting sessions short. Jon and I glanced at each other, up at the sun, back down through the crowd . . . yawned a bit . . . back over all of the heads to the pipe.

So Shawn pulls out another spectacular performance, above and through the mess of the other skaters. Who does this? X Games Gold, Olympic Gold, Gold in Summer X Games now, along with all the other crap he does, and wins. He's unstoppable. One of the most stellar athletes I've ever seen under pressure. I wonder what is going in his brain. Truely. He was emotional, grabbing his nappy red head, kneeling in the pipe, throwing his arms up in the air, thanking his grandma, who they interviewed right before his run. A pistol of an old woman. Very entertaining.

I would like to pick Shawn's brain. I fear he'd just give cheeky answers though, about his visualizations, mental focus, and alien ability to find calm and force in those down to the wire performances over and over again; that I'm more and more curious to know about. He's very funny, when they ask him questions in competition. Maybe he just doesn't think at all. Maybe he's all visualization. I need this kid to write a book. Or Terry Gross from NPR should interview him. She's does great interviews. I'm sure I'd get all the information from his interview with her. But hopefully, a book. It'd be a good read, and cute.

That kid's performance was the lasting impression for me for X Games 13. God bless him. We walked away, satisfied for sure, and Jon and I continued our horse-play rough-housing scene through to the parking lot, that we always do. I bloodied up my knee and elbow, pretty narly like. I ran after him, caught his heel, and flew through the air to the pavement. I chased him and fell down. Symbolic, I thought.

Thanks Shawn, for the entertainment

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Still Thinking about Jake Brown, Skate Big Air

It's all very familiar, in an unfamiliar way.

We sat in the stands for BMX Big Air last night next to a rider who did not make the finals. Chad Kagy, my favorite BMX competitor in both Vert and Big Air did not make the finals this year either. He broke his collar bone in practice. I made it out to Aspen and jacked my knee in my practice run at Winter X 10, although I chock that up to inexperience, not pulling double flairs over 70 ft. gaps. But it got me thinking about injury and how many athletes don't make the finals, and how many hurt themselves in the process of shooting for them.

Is anyone else having a problem getting Jake Brown's Big Air Skate crash outta their head? He ended up suffering liver and lung contusions, from what I've heard so far, and will be released from the trauma unit today. Who falls 50 ft. from the air, lands on hard wood, literally gets their shoes blown off, and doesn't die, let alone brake a bone? Jesus, not me. This guy's internal composition is different from the rest of us. That's the only thing that can explain it. Not even a broken toe? Contused lungs I'm sure ain't great, but it could have been so much worse. I guess it's a good thing, for all of us, to know how to fall. Whether you're falling from love, or a 25 ft. gap, it's best to land on your feet and protect your heart and your head. What doesn't bend, breaks. - ani difranco

Today begins the outdoor Home Depot setting for X. I love BMX Vert. If you don't know what this is you shouldn't be reading this blog. No, but really, BMX Vert is where the riders take to the halfpipe. We all know the halfpipe. If I could come back and do this life over I would be the first female BMX rider to compete in Vert in the X Games, oh, and I would dj at night, hip hop, oh, and I wouldn't have curly hair. Yup, that's about it. Well, I'd be good looking too, of course. Man I'd get so much action, my pick of the tough guy, sinewy muscled, tattoo set that is the X Games participant and patron. Mmmmm . . . . Well, it's either that or I'd have to be a big wave surfer, on the level near Laird. But I'd still be female. Who would want to be a guy if they had a choice?

Friday, August 3, 2007

My First Blog - Yikes!

Well, here I am, in Redondo beach, visiting my ex, going to the X Games. Just this morning I realized the irony of that, and decided to create a blog. No really, all in all I think my experiences warrant a little note here and there, 1st because I'm afraid I'll forget it all, 2nd because personally, my experiences, (god help me, I think) are somewhat unique and interesting, and lastly, because it's August now, and as I head into another snowboard season, I think this is the best way to let all the goofy nutballs who've chosen to call themselves my friends keep in touch with me and know what I'm doing out there on the mountain, whichever mountain it may be. I plan to keep this f-ing thing updated, as I let them know whether I cross that damn finish line first or last, whether I crash or send someone else into the fence, and whether it was all worth it.


So there it is.

I want to first thank Jayne, because her blog is simply wonderful and charming, and it has allowed me to keep in touch with her through this nether-world. A fantastic friend and a cheeky little writer, her words have consistently put a smile on my face. She can write about a Chevron gas station experience or avoiding lattes at Starbucks, and make it all very amusing. I guess that's the mark of a great writer; to write about mundane everyday events and keep us coming back for more. I suppose I may end up writing about exciting blood pumping events (women's Grand Prix Boardercross Time Trials, god help me) and make it sound so-so and uneventful. But I will try for you Jayne, my inspiration and blogging friend.

2ndly I want to thank Jon because I'm using his computer right now and sitting in his house, going off to his gym in a bit with his free pass, but importantly, still wishing he was my manager, but glad he's agreed to be my friend. My buddy, my ultimate respect. Indeed, let's make a game of the Ex/X business, hit these Games together and let the athletes and the events, the amazing aerials, and fearless X factor stunt undertakings, everything, fill our vision and set us straight for the next year. I know that's what the X Games did for me last year; filled my tiny brain with visions of what true athleticism is, helping me see a little bit how I am really not that far removed from the greatest of them, and pushing me forward to become a better rider, because it's what I love.

I just love to see people move, what can I say? If they move backward and upside down and over and under, all whilst 70 ft in the air, well, then Bravo! What more is life really about? God help me I don't know, but that's my answer for now.

So thank you Jon, for the invitation down and diggin' all the stuff nearly as much as I do. Or at least humoring me through all of it.

Tonight is BMX Big Air, or Vert, and Moto Big Air, or wait, maybe not. Jeez, I can't remember them all or keep the event schedule straight in my head anymore. I wish the schedule was exactly like last year, so I know which event I am supposed to go to and be shocked by. I guess that was part of the magic last year, seeing Travis Pastrana's double back flip at Staples, my first time watching BMX Vert and being right on the top of the vert ramp during the skate competition with our athlete's passes. I was pleasantly surprised through it all. Then I walked away pleasantly stoked, reafirming my love for all things sport, especially in the extreme category.

Here we go!