It's all very familiar, in an unfamiliar way.
We sat in the stands for BMX Big Air last night next to a rider who did not make the finals. Chad Kagy, my favorite BMX competitor in both Vert and Big Air did not make the finals this year either. He broke his collar bone in practice. I made it out to Aspen and jacked my knee in my practice run at Winter X 10, although I chock that up to inexperience, not pulling double flairs over 70 ft. gaps. But it got me thinking about injury and how many athletes don't make the finals, and how many hurt themselves in the process of shooting for them.
Is anyone else having a problem getting Jake Brown's Big Air Skate crash outta their head? He ended up suffering liver and lung contusions, from what I've heard so far, and will be released from the trauma unit today. Who falls 50 ft. from the air, lands on hard wood, literally gets their shoes blown off, and doesn't die, let alone brake a bone? Jesus, not me. This guy's internal composition is different from the rest of us. That's the only thing that can explain it. Not even a broken toe? Contused lungs I'm sure ain't great, but it could have been so much worse. I guess it's a good thing, for all of us, to know how to fall. Whether you're falling from love, or a 25 ft. gap, it's best to land on your feet and protect your heart and your head. What doesn't bend, breaks. - ani difranco
Today begins the outdoor Home Depot setting for X. I love BMX Vert. If you don't know what this is you shouldn't be reading this blog. No, but really, BMX Vert is where the riders take to the halfpipe. We all know the halfpipe. If I could come back and do this life over I would be the first female BMX rider to compete in Vert in the X Games, oh, and I would dj at night, hip hop, oh, and I wouldn't have curly hair. Yup, that's about it. Well, I'd be good looking too, of course. Man I'd get so much action, my pick of the tough guy, sinewy muscled, tattoo set that is the X Games participant and patron. Mmmmm . . . . Well, it's either that or I'd have to be a big wave surfer, on the level near Laird. But I'd still be female. Who would want to be a guy if they had a choice?
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