Well, here I am, in Redondo beach, visiting my ex, going to the X Games. Just this morning I realized the irony of that, and decided to create a blog. No really, all in all I think my experiences warrant a little note here and there, 1st because I'm afraid I'll forget it all, 2nd because personally, my experiences, (god help me, I think) are somewhat unique and interesting, and lastly, because it's August now, and as I head into another snowboard season, I think this is the best way to let all the goofy nutballs who've chosen to call themselves my friends keep in touch with me and know what I'm doing out there on the mountain, whichever mountain it may be. I plan to keep this f-ing thing updated, as I let them know whether I cross that damn finish line first or last, whether I crash or send someone else into the fence, and whether it was all worth it.
So there it is.
I want to first thank Jayne, because her blog is simply wonderful and charming, and it has allowed me to keep in touch with her through this nether-world. A fantastic friend and a cheeky little writer, her words have consistently put a smile on my face. She can write about a Chevron gas station experience or avoiding lattes at Starbucks, and make it all very amusing. I guess that's the mark of a great writer; to write about mundane everyday events and keep us coming back for more. I suppose I may end up writing about exciting blood pumping events (women's Grand Prix Boardercross Time Trials, god help me) and make it sound so-so and uneventful. But I will try for you Jayne, my inspiration and blogging friend.
2ndly I want to thank Jon because I'm using his computer right now and sitting in his house, going off to his gym in a bit with his free pass, but importantly, still wishing he was my manager, but glad he's agreed to be my friend. My buddy, my ultimate respect. Indeed, let's make a game of the Ex/X business, hit these Games together and let the athletes and the events, the amazing aerials, and fearless X factor stunt undertakings, everything, fill our vision and set us straight for the next year. I know that's what the X Games did for me last year; filled my tiny brain with visions of what true athleticism is, helping me see a little bit how I am really not that far removed from the greatest of them, and pushing me forward to become a better rider, because it's what I love.
I just love to see people move, what can I say? If they move backward and upside down and over and under, all whilst 70 ft in the air, well, then Bravo! What more is life really about? God help me I don't know, but that's my answer for now.
So thank you Jon, for the invitation down and diggin' all the stuff nearly as much as I do. Or at least humoring me through all of it.
Tonight is BMX Big Air, or Vert, and Moto Big Air, or wait, maybe not. Jeez, I can't remember them all or keep the event schedule straight in my head anymore. I wish the schedule was exactly like last year, so I know which event I am supposed to go to and be shocked by. I guess that was part of the magic last year, seeing Travis Pastrana's double back flip at Staples, my first time watching BMX Vert and being right on the top of the vert ramp during the skate competition with our athlete's passes. I was pleasantly surprised through it all. Then I walked away pleasantly stoked, reafirming my love for all things sport, especially in the extreme category.
Here we go!
1 comment:
Such nice, nice things about me! Thanks Jen! =) I think I'm blushing!
Cheers on your blog! Looking forward to hearing about your racing success!
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