Thursday, February 7, 2008

Jeep King of the Mountain . . .

. . . is making me climb up the walls. I hate missing events. Man I wish I could race in this one. The course looks absolutely too fun and I'm getting my boards dialed in. Next year, next year, next year. I want me some Jeep.

I'm trying my best to take it easy and heal this shoulder, but it's hard - taking it easy I mean.

The view from the Siberia Chair. Looks like Pick-Up-Sticks, the game of physical and mental skill in which sticks have to be removed from a pile without disturbing the remaining ones. I failed at this because I'm on the one-arm-program with my bad shoulder and hold it close to my body; I walked through this a few moments later, and nearly tripped over three boards. Graceful.
Darn, I need this shoulder back for balance.

Dashing in a picture of Shawn Palmer, because . . . um, well, he exists. Standing next to him makes me feel fast, and young.

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