First off, I want to thank Evil from Potreto Hill for this: Please go there. It's nice.
Just back from Copper Mountain, Colorado. It was there we picked up P. Holland, brother of Nate Holland, who just won X Games Gold in Boardercross for the 3rd time. Okay, great, cool. P. Holland was in X Boardercross too, but he fell in the quarterfinals, or semis, and ended up taking out another guy in the same race his brother was in. The announcer jovially called him the "Sacrificial Lamb." During this trip we took to the title given him. Every time P. left the room, was at the back of the van, on the race course, we'd say things like, "Where's the Sacrificial Lamb?" "Is the Sacrificial Lamb done tying down the snowboards?" "How did the Sacrificial Lamb do in time trials?"
Bless that EXPN announcer. Sacrificial Lamb. That just kills me.
By Thursday night, Little Lauren doped up on vicotin for her bruised/fractured hip, and me enjoying beer and loopy exhaustion, started mixing P's for R's and starting words with Y's - so he became "Ratricia, The Yacrificial Yam."
We hacked in and changed a few things on the Yac Yam's myspace site as well. Yeah, P. Holland commands a lot of respect and adoration in our crew.
This kind of stuff is fun for me now.